A Change of Plans
As usual, I woke up around 4:30 this morning. Despite waking up, I was able to sleep until noon. I actually felt like I was able to get some quality sleep. Once I got up and moving, I decided to get out of the house. When I left the house, I had a fever running around 99 degrees, but it seemed to go away over the following hours. During my drive, I made a couple stops. At the end, I decided to just drive around the country with the windows down. It was a peaceful feeling.
My mom is holding out hope that I will keep my hair during this process. While I appreciate her optimism, I am a little bit more realistic. As a result, I made the decision to get my head shaved today. I have never shaved my head in my life. This is a new feeling. By the end of March, I should be completely bald- in addition to possibly losing my eyebrows, eye lashes, etc.
During the evening, I had a couple sets of visitors. First, Eric and Pat drove up from campus. We were roomed together freshman year in Morrill Tower and have remained good friends since that time. Just being around them makes me laugh.
Next, a group of guys from the lobbying firm came to take me out for a little while. Usually, we would have gone to the country bar on a Tuesday night, but things are obviously a little bit different now. After picking me up, we settled at the Bogey Inn for a couple of hours. It was nice to get out and share some laughs.
I was feeling hot, so I just took my temperature. I am running at 99.9 degrees right now. Before this disease, I would have thought something more about that number. Now, it almost seems like normalcy. I should be fine in a couple of hours.
Let me never be put to shame;
deliver me in your righteousness.
Turn your ear to me,
come quickly to my rescue.
Since you are my rock and my fortress,
for the sake of your name lead and guide me.
Free me from the trap that is set for me'
for you are my refuge.
Into your hands I commit my spirit;
redeem me, O Lord, the God of truth. Pslam 31:1-5