Saturday, February 18, 2006

A Good Day

Well, I woke up sore from the wounds of yesterday. I really do not think I could have avoided the pain. But, as I began to move more during the day, the pain began to decrease. More than anything, it was nice just to start a new day- a new day that did not involve hospitals and needles.

Around 9:30 a.m., I managed to walk awkwardly down the stairs. Initially, I was just going to go downstairs to find some yogurt and fruit for breakfast, but mom insisted on making me something more. Since I had an appetite, I let her cook away. I managed to take down some scrambled eggs, two pieces of toast, a piece of sausage, and a bowl of fruit. When I look back at my week, I consider this a fairly large size meal. Quite an accomplishment.

For the remainder of the day, I managed to enjoy the company of visitors and my family. Around 2:00, my brother Casey and one of his best friends, Jeff Montee, stopped by the house. We spent the next hour talking about several different things. It was nice to have a break from the usual routine.

Shortly after those guys left, I received a call from Brady. He had called last evening asking if he could stop by since he was going to be in town this weekend. Around a half an hour later, he showed up at my parent's along with Darrin Bragg, one of his teammates from Notre Dame. It was great to catch up with him. He has not changed a bit since our days in high school. Despite all the fame and success, he continues to be one of the most charismatic, genuine people that I have run across in my short life.

Finally, I decided that I needed to get out of the house. My little brother Cory had told me about a new video game based on NCAA Baseball. While I gave up video games over two years ago, I decided that I needed to add something new to my daily activities. So, he joined me for a ride to Best Buy. On the way home, I even stopped and bought him a burrito from Chiptole.

All in all, it was a good day.


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