Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Starting the Battery of Tests

Well, I woke up again this morning at 4:01. When I wake up, it is almost humorous to look at the clock to find the time (It always seems to be around this time in the morning). I did not have much time to get back to sleep. After laying around for a little while, I snuck-in about an hours worth of sleep before waking up around 6:30.

Today, I had a PET Scan (Positron Emission Tomography). The setup of a PET Scan is very similar to a CT Scan. You lay down on a bed that moves you in and out of a tube while images are taken of your body. However, before I was able to lay down on the bed, I had an IV inserted into my left arm (I am getting use to alternating arms these days). After the IV was inserted, the nurse injected me with a radioactive/glucose solution. Cancer cells feed off of sugar, so this solution helped highlight any additional cancer cells in my body. Let's hope the rest of this scan turned out clean...

A funny story at the doctor's office... As my mom and I were sitting in the room discussing the procedure, the nurse looked up at me funny. She recognized me as that "young guy on the Dublin school board." She remembered seeing me on t.v. last month when I was sworn in as school board president. Honestly, I take all the notoriety from the school board in stride, but it is quite funny when someone recognizes me. She joked about being around a local celebrity (quite a stretch). Let's just say that this conversation helped me forget that I was being injected with a radioactive solution.

While the pain and sickness is unbearable at times, I really want to make a strong effort to get myself out of the house more often. Doctor Moore from Grant even encouraged me to get out when possible. After getting back from the test today, I followed my mom to the car dealership, so she could get her tires changed and alignment reset. Once we were finished at the car dealership, I went to the bank to deposit a paycheck. Now, I know this all sounds trivial, but it becomes significant as I conclude the paragraph. By the time I got home, I was exhausted. I had hardly even moved, yet my body was fatigued. I just want to stress the effects this disease can have on the body.


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