Monday, February 27, 2006

"Good to Go"

At the worst of times, this situation gives me a chance to analyze life. It gives me a chance to examine my path before this disease struck. I will be the first to admit that I am extraordinarily busy. Often, I am waking up at six or seven in the morning and running around until late at night. Sometimes, this does not even stop on the weekends. But, I do not do it because of the money or ulterior motives. I love everything I do- otherwise, I would not do it.

Still, this gives me an opportunity. This gives me an opportunity to look at my priorities. Am I devoted to my faith as much as I should be? Am I spending enough time with my family? Am I spending enough time with my friends? How are my relationships in life? Am I giving back for all that I received?

The questions are endless. The more I think about it, the more I realize an important point. A time like this should serve as a reminder that I should always be asking these questions.

A few days ago, I heard a song entitled "Good to Go" by John Corbett. After seeing the video for the song a couple of times on CMT, I downloaded the song on my iPod. I have been listening to it quite a bit lately.

The chorus line reads: "Now, I am not planning on leaving yet, but the truth is you just never know. And if this is as good as it gets, I am good to go." Being in my situation, the chorus line hits home. No one could have seen this disease coming. I am fortunate to be in a situation where my cancer has a high survival rate. Some people aren't as lucky. Rest assured, I am not planning on leaving anytime soon. But, I want to live my life in a way that when my time comes, I am "good to go."

Waitin' at a stoplight yesterday
As a funeral precession made its way
Through the gates
I watch it roll up a windin' road
Through the field of green
With whitehead stones all in a row
And it made me think about where I'm at
On my not so straight and narrow path
All the generous and mostly undeserved
Blessings that I've had

Had all American Mom and Dad
Some of the coolest friends that you could ever have
Found love I thought I'd never find
I can't believe this life is mine

And I'm not plannin' on leavin' yet
But the truth is you just never know
And if this is as good as it gets
Man, I think I'm good to go
I'm good to go

I've said a prayer for the dearly departed
And the loved ones left broken hearted
And traffic started

And I drove away a little more able
To see the good things on my table
For that, I'm grateful
Cause I've had my trouble, I've had my trials
I've hit the mark and I've missed by miles
Had days when I've been fightin' mad
But the goodtimes have more than outweighed the bad

Got to hold my newborn baby girl
And the hand of a man as he slipped from this world
I've laughed so hard I couldn't stop
Seen the sunrise from a mountain top

Now, I'm not plannin' on leavin' yet
But the truth is you just never know
And if this is as good as it gets
Man, I think I'm good to
(Good to go, yeah)

I've been thinkin' bout where I'm at
On my not so straight and narrow path
And I wouldn't want to change nothin' about this road
With the life I've had


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