Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Do you know how it feels to just be warn down at the end of a long day? Well, I felt like that the whole day. From the time I woke up, I just felt slow. My tank was empty. Shortly after waking up, I spoke with a couple different people on the phone. I struggled to just concentrate. At some point, the doctor said that I would become fatigued due to low blood level counts. I am wondering if I have reached that point.

For lunch, I went to Mary Kelly's. I figured this would be my last big meal. Again, I had a big cheeseburger. For some reason, I have been craving cheeseburgers over the past few days. I managed to eat the whole thing. However, I didn't go to Mary Kelly's for the cheeseburger. I went to Mary Kelly's for the fudge brownie sundae. I am sure they do not get many orders for fudge brownie sundaes before noon, but let me say, it hit the spot. I am excited to jump on the scale tomorrow. I feel confident that the past few days have kept me above 160 pounds.

After I finished up with lunch, I came home and took a nap. At 4:00, I went to the District's Central Office for our agenda review meeting. This lasted until 5:40. From the agenda review meeting, I met with a group of parents regarding a school board issue from 6:00 to 8:45. By the time the last meeting wrapped up, I was struggling. It was a comforting to come home, eat some dinner, and relax in bed.

Tomorrow, I start round two. If all goes well, this treatment could mark the quarter way point. We shall see...

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1


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