Monday, March 27, 2006


What a miserable day. Don't get me wrong- today was better than yesterday. All in all, I started to feel better. Still, the sores persist in my mouth. My tongue looks like it has been hit by random drops of acid. In the place of the acid drops, you will find sores. A pleasing thought, huh?

When I go through my roughest days, I do not have the concentration to pick up a book. Right now, I would really like to read. Day time television is not for me. Within a couple of days, I should start to regain that concentration. I have decided that I am going to start using my day time to be somewhat productive (more to come on this later). Although I am stuck to my bed most of the time, I need to be accomplishing something.

Thankfully, baseball season starts in a little over a week. During the day, I will be able to watch Major League Baseball games. At night, I will be able to coach my team's practices or games. Everyone keeps telling me to make sure I take it easy on my body. Trust me, I am definitely resting my body. However, baseball gives me a release from this whole situation. To be honest, if I was not feeling well, I would only get worse by not attending one of our games. Even if I barely have a voice and lack the ability to stand for long periods of time, I want to be sitting on a bucket with the boys. Heck, if need be, they can put me in wheelchair and strap an IV pole alongside it.

Today, I managed to eat two meals. Because of the sores, I am limited to the types of food that I eat right now. When I find something that works, I run with it until the craving goes away. Needless to say, I ate the same food for each meal: carrots and broccoli with vegetable dip and homemade pizza rolls. In between meals, I continue with my liquids. I have found that dairy products help coat the sores for a little while, so I drank a couple glasses of milk during the day.

Finally, I am visiting Dr. Paul on Wednesday to check out my port. I have no idea what is going to happen. One moment, it seems that I will be getting this port taken out and replaced with a new one. Then, the next moment, it seems that I will stay the course. Obviously, I would enjoy one less surgery, but I have to say that my schedule is pretty open if they want to cut me open again!

The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon him in truth. He will fulfill the desire of those who fear him; He will also hear their cry and save them.
Psalm 145:18-19


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